Thursday 20 February 2014

- Patterns: Mandalas -

Firstly, here is the link to my mandala album I have started on Pinterest:
I will be constantly adding Pins of mandalas I find that appeal to me, as well as writing short descriptions about what I think they show, or simply about their detailing.

Here is the definition of a mandala, according to

"The word 'mandala' is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean 'circle', a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself - a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds.
Describing both material and non-material realities, the mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community."

I am fascinated by the intricacy of mandalas, as well as their possible individual meanings. Mostly,  I love how detailed each layer is; some can be small and others large, but all usually contain a level of detail that is extraordinary.

  • Draw a few mandalas, both small and large.
  • Try to incorporate different patterns and detail into each layer of the 'circles'. 

- My last project -

My last art project was music-based.  I drew a few portraits of musicians as part of my idea development, as well as exploring the link between tattoos and music.  Below are some examples, including some final works showing the contrast between musicians from a bygone era and more modern and traditional patterns such as henna and Maori Tā moko designs:

As you can see, my Amy Winehouse and Lana Del Rey drawings are fairly realistic, having drawn them as studies from photos.  The Elvis and Ella Fitzgerald drawings were far quicker studies, as well as having the patterned additions - to Elvis, I added Maori-inspired Tā Moko designs in gold, and to Ella I added Henna-inspired designs in silver.

  • I would like to develop my pattern studies for my next project, perhaps researching a different form of patterning, and possibly still link portraiture into this.

Thursday 13 February 2014

- Portraiture -

To begin, I should probably make known the fact that I love to draw portraits, namely of friends, relatives and celebrities.  I have drawn many a portrait or commission over the past few months, and hope to continue developing my skills in the coming year.

Below is an example of a drawing I am very proud of, featuring the two main protagonists from the television series Breaking Bad - Jesse Pinkman on the left (played by Aaron Johnson) and Walter White on the right (played by Bryan Cranston).  I feel as if I have adequately portrayed their intense stares and grim expressions.  I used a range of pencils with hardness ranging from HB to 8B.

Some aims for developing my portraiture drawing:
  • Practise drawing with coloured pencil/other mediums
  • Draw more full bodies

- Bonjour -

I have created this blog in order to post about my artwork, including showing the process behind any works I create as well as inspiration and research.

Here is the link to my Pinterest, where I pin things that inspire and interest me:

I hope to use this blog regularly from now on - and I hope that it can inspire even one person to create art, in whichever form they so choose!